Connect Domestic Violence & Abuse Helpline

403.234.SAFE (7233)  
Learn About Abuse

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Your Role in Ending Abuse

Ending family violence and abuse is a community issue and all of us play a role in the solution.

An Alberta survey showed that 90 per cent of Albertans polled believe that family violence prevention should be an urgent priority for the Government of Alberta. ~2012, Ispos Reid Survey 


Take A Stand and Against Family Violence and Abuse - Ways to help end abuse in our community:

Seek Help, Hope and Safety
Are you living with family violence and abuse
Contact the Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter's 24-Hour Family Violence Helpline at 403.234.7233 (SAFE), Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Text: 403-604-6689. Services are free of charge and trained counsellors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to help answer your questions. Click here for information on our Programs and Services.


Learn More About Family Violence
There are a lot of myths and stereotypes that exist around family violence. The more you learn about it, the better able you are to understand the complexity and need for change. Family violence is not OK, no-one ever "asks" to be abused and it affects everyone. We urge you to click here to learn more about family violence and abuse.


Help Someone You Know or Think is Being Abused
If you have witnessed abuse or suspect that someone you know is being abused, help out by supporting them - let them know you are there for them. For information on how to support someone if they disclose their experience with abuse, click here or learn more about our Take A Stand Initiative


Take a Stand Against Family Violence and Abuse
Taking a Stand means standing up and stating that family violence and abuse is never acceptable. This is a serious community issue. We all have a role to play in helping end it. Help us increase awareness and change the conversation.


Make a Donation
The Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter relies on individual, corporate and community support to keep our community-based prevention, counselling and education programs operational. Together we can create a world free of violence and abuse. Go to our Donate section of our website for the different ways you can contribute. 


Strengthening our education and awareness, along with "taking a stand" to address this growing issue is critical. We are committed to ending family violence and abuse - we hope you will join us.


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