This Season
Family Violence Prevention Month
November is Family Violence Prevention Month in Alberta. Throughout this time, we are able to raise awareness and educate Albertans about how to identify and prevent family violence and abuse, as well as ways to support victims. During this month we hope to encourage discussion and highlight the resources available at our organization and in the community. Everyone plays a key role in providing support and encouraging victims to seek help.
Together, we can all Take A Stand Against Family Violence and Abuse.
We will be teaming up with other Calgary Domestic Violence Collective (CDVC) agencies for the annual launch of Family Violence Prevention month on November 1st. Details to follow.
Keep an eye on for updated information about the launch, and other upcoming events and promotions taking place throughout the month.
CTV Calgary's Toy MountainNovember 22 – December 23
We are excited to partner once again with CTV Calgary, CJAY92, Virgin Radio, Funny Radio, Brookfield Properties, and AMJ Campbell for CTV’s Toy Mountain Campaign from November 22 - December 23. The campaign helps us collect funds, basic essential items and toys needed not only during the holidays, but all year round. In addition to collecting items and cash donations, the campaign raises awareness around family violence and abuse.
With COVID-19 precautions this year, the campaign will be a bit different. Stay tuned for more details on how you can support vulnerable families in our community.